For me, it sounds beyond the ordinary to be grateful for things that don't turn out the way you want them to. The concept of gratitude is actually easier said than done, especially when you are at the lowest point of your life or when life hits you with an unpredictable test. Personally speaking, I feel like Covid-19 situation really hit me hard because I learned the actual meaning of gratitude as there were many blessings that I should be grateful for.
Truth be told, I am among the people that always compare my life with others especially to those who have more blessings or achievements than me. For instance, during this Covid-19 situation, I compare myself with my fellow friends who have more advantages than me during online classes. Most of my friends come from wealthy families. So, it's no surprise that they have no problems at all while I barely struggle every day to have a proper lecture because of my bad internet connection and more. I nearly gave up attending classes and lost my motivation because it occurred almost every day. It makes me wonder why all of these things happened to me while they are having a blast in their life.
However, one day, a heartbreaking news came across to me like a bolt from the blue whereby one of my friends lost her own house scorched by fire. I remember that it was around the final week of lectures. I cannot imagine putting myself in her shoes as the final exam is just around the corner and I lost everything including my laptop in the blink of an eye. How is that even possible? I can feel the amount of stress and pain that she is going through to continue her studies in that condition. Starting from that moment, I reflect on myself to be grateful for every blessing I have and decide not to compare myself with privileged people. I tend to compare myself with people who are having a harder time than me as it teaches me to be more grateful day by day.
From this incident, I wonder how many people out there do not even own a house to live in and are found quartered at any place. How can they survive despite the storm and the sun without any shelter? To relate it with the first sustainable development goal which is no poverty, it shows that it is important to find the best solution in solving poverty problems around the world. It is to ensure all of the people get their own basic necessities to continue their life for a long time. In conclusion, I learned that to be grateful is to focus on what we had instead of looking up what we don't have. It is also an important element in viewing life as we actually gain more when we show gratitude based on Surah Ibrahim verse 7 which is if you are grateful, I would certainly give to you more.
Written by,
Aida Aqilah bt Azlan Mohd Ishak